I cant believe theres snow on the ground! thats just insane, it aint even Halloween yet! This shits outrageous! I dont even have a winter jacket yet, or boots, or gloves!
Im supposed to be doing my hmwk right now...but sure...cuz im really serious about success right now (sarcasm. lol)
Bahhh...I hate winter sometimes...esp the shoveling...and then re-shoveling after Mr. Plow drives by your street.
I hate the crazy drivers, the salt trucks, the salt stains, the wet socks, the runny noses, dry skin, numb hands and toes, stupid wind causing me to super squint (as if i can see regularly without wind), warming up the car, no blackberrying when walking, having to leave ur toasty blanket in the morning for work or school, the slushy sidewalks, the dirty mall hallways...
I hate winter too because everything is so much more depressing, dramatic and intense in the winter. Any problems that you have, is just 10 times worst with the nasty winds, gloomy skies, lack of sunlight, frigid air and wet feet...bahumbug!
anyhow, this post is actually about the picture below...
for some odd reason, there were a crapload of ppl in the hallways and outside...no one was in any of the lecture rooms (well at least not in Ross Building).
Apparently there was a fire of sorts since the alarm was going off...but I saw no fire. And it is the end of October, beginning of November...which leads me to suspect nothing other than...someone not studying for their midterm and pulling the fire alarm to miss the exam. lol
clever? maybe. stupid? meh. lol
I better get back to my work before I have to pull the alarm tmr too...tisk
heard there were talks of a bomb threat too - but that js sounds like a lie. lol
I used feel the same way and hate winter...
Then I took up snowboarding and now I pray for snow. Nothing else better than sitting on top of a mountain, lost in a snow wilderness and freezing your nut sack off with a few other dudes to slide down a hill on a wood board strapped to your feet.
Haha.. its really a good feeling.
lol dude im gonna change how you feel about winter this season. imma take your ass snowboarding. jonny treeson dude is right... nothing better than freezin ur nuts off with some brooos!
winter is my fav season... obviously. how do you think i handled my breakup so well... coz i had snowboarding son!! so don't be soft. you're gonna be a shredder this winter!
Reminds me of when I lived in Germany.. I hated all that damn snow!!! I wish I could see some snow now.. Ugh. Pretty though!
LMAO Will do you understand HOW many bomb threats there are everytime its midterms or exams. My one class has a 'bomb threat plan' of what to do during one while your exam... lol :S
Unfortunately, i live in new orleans and only had a slight taste of snow on Christmas of 05,then there was katrina right after so, if it does snow down here somethings wrong, but the pic looks beautiful!
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