But I did draw...
I used to be a big fan of Bush...yea...I listened to a lot of rock...like I wore airwalks, and the metal ball chains *pause, chains from jeans, my hair was down to my chin with an undercut, listened to Nirvana, Bush, Silverchair, Green Day, I Mother Earth, Our Lady Peace, Nine Inch Nails, Moist, Rage Against the Machine...and I wont lie...I did listen to the Backstreet Boys...(my guilty pleasure)...but I never told my rocker friends that. lmao
Anyhow, the date on first drawing says November 7th, 1997 at 1158pm - November, 8th, 1997 at 1:18am...Im sure it was a school night...tisk.
Its not the greatest drawing in the whole world, but I like to think it was pretty good for a 12 year old. lol
Life is such.
ps. i dont draw anymore.
I have a big problem with isolation...in every aspect...I work and function better with company...well the right company anyways. Anyone who knows me, knows I love people.
Drawing leaves me too lonely. Theres no communication. And when Im done drawing I feel like I just missed out on so many memories...
Same way I dont play video games or like reading, or like being single.
in a weird way blogging is also isolating but i still do it...but i guess its a bit different because I know i get responses.
I dont feel too alone...
wow do i ever sound fuckin emo!
fuck...Im gonna go call someone now...can someone pick up..? lol
and ps. I know it looks nothing like Gavin...im well aware. lol
You know I don't sleep!
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