I drew this poster back in grade 9 for an assignment.
I dont remember exactly what the assignment was, but it was Career Studies. I think the assignment was something like, map your life and include the things you value most in life.
Most people just drew pictures random floating images of money, cars, houses, playstation, palm trees/vacations, a diploma etc.
I took a different approach to the assignment and created this.
I drew a map of the ideal path for me to live my life. I plotted it all out in order.
Lets break it down.
Click on the pictures to enlarge them if you cant see it properly.
You can see to the far left side is an image of my mother walking me to school. The reason why there arent both parents is because I was raised by my mother. Beside the school is the basketball court (basketball being my favorite sport) and farris wheel. The court and the ride represent fun, and leisure and its importance to balancing out education and life's responsibilities. Its also beside the school to represent the youth and adventure. That your schooling years should be one of the most exciting and fun times of your life.
There are also a lot of friends outside, and I drew a lot of them in to reinforce the importance of maintaining as many friendships as you can, not just one or two. I still do that to this day.
So the flow of the picture below is basically, graduate from school, climb the ladder to reach the job of your desire (the big shiny office building), meanwhile, maintain as many true relationships as you can. Get married after you're established and have the financial, physical and emotional capacity to look after and begin your life with another.
Here is a photograph of my family at that point in time...My dad, my stepmom and two brothers, Steven and Jackie. I wanted to stress the importance of family and how crucial it is to have them while growing up and finding yourself.
The fact that my family was in a photograph represented my love for photography, the palette represented my love for art and drawing, and the phone represented my unwillingness to part from deep and long conversations with whomever...which has now morphed into a blackberry.
Once you have climbed up the rest of the hill...you would reach this paradise of sorts...doesnt really look like paradise...but I love the city. So this was my ideal place to be, in the city with bright lights and a giant office building thats marked "W's $" lmao. This would be an equivalent to a cloud 9. The result of all my hardwork and effort would take me to this place...but only after everything else in life was achieved. (a good education, good friendships, graduation, career, marriage, happy family, stable home, success (however defined))
I still need to find my potential future Mrs. Still need to get a career...get married, have kids, buy a home, build a family, find success, find happiness, find peace, and then find cloud 9...all while maintaining my culture, values, interests, friendships and sense of self.
....ok...so maybe Im not halfway there...but Im working on it. lol
So ummm yea...sorry if this post was boring. lol
Ok, now Im sleepy...lol Nite.
dude.. this is amazing!
Now this is great lol
It wasn't boring. The picture and representations are cool. Back when I was in grade nine, no one really thought that far down their lives and no one would put that much effort into an assignment lol. You should frame that, it's really interesting.
ur on ur way homie.
you're a great artist. I could see you doing the productions for videos real soon.
I like how the representation of you is dressed all conservative (button down and a sweater vest) and then I scroll down to the high school post and you're all g'ed up (baggy jeans and timbs) lol. I bet it felt great looking back and realizing that, for the most part, you've managed to stay on track. Awesome post.........oNe
i think that is the single clearest goal/plan i have ever seen come from a grade 9er.
Some people never change
Thank God.
ur amazing Will.....dont ever stop.
love and lots of light,
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