Now we sure know a damn lot about me, but its my turn now, so lets get to know you a little more.
I have some questions.
So I guess...if you care to, Ill write down some questions.
Dont worry, none of them will be too personal, its just to get a better idea of who my readers are...at least the more frequent ones anyways.
You can copy and paste it into the comment box and just answer it there.
This might be interesting...or completely boring, either way, we'll find out.
1) Where are you from? (city)
2) How did you find my blog?
3) How often do you read it?
4) Photos or writing? or both?
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
Im not fishing for compliments so do not feel obligated to bullshit. lol
I guess this is all I really want to know without it being too tedious for you to answer and creeper of me to ask. lol
You can be as honest as you please...just dont be too nasty. I am still human.
This is merely to feed my curiosity
And yes I am aware that curiosity is the leading cause of death for cats...
1) Where are you from? (city)
Cape Town, South Aaah-free-kah!
2) How did you find my blog?
*LL / be.
3) How often do you read it?
Added your blog to my Google Reader so the second you post it, I have it... and then I read it. So that's just about every single day.
4) Photos or writing? or both?
They go together and after all, you have a photo that goes with everything you write! That amazes me :)
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
You've read my previous comments and I'm sure you know why I keep coming back. After all, you are probably the most interesting Will I know (that's a compliment, by the way).
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
You just keep doing what you're doing and just be yourself. That's what made it what it is today...
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
Again, if you read all the comments I've posted before you would get an idea of what I think. I find it very difficult to say something in just one sentence, but I'll try. You're a guy trying to figure things out for himself and in the process you share what you're going through and whether you realize it or not - you're helping so many people. You want to make a change and I think that's already happening. I think you're a little crazy too. Good crazy! We need more of those in this world... fo realz.
1) Where are you from? (city)
Atlanta, GA
2) How did you find my blog?
Long story. Bored one night, went on Youtube, listened to some Trey Songz, stumbled upon Drake, found his blog, read a bunch of shit, came up on his "Superior 12" post about you, wanted to know more about you, found your blog, got addicted, and now I OD on it everyday lol. A sad truth.
3) How often do you read it?
I check my blogger dashboard about 3 times a day. So, about 3 times a day lol. I like to read other people's comments.
4) Photos or writing? or both?
Both. I'm an artist so I'm visual, but I like to read too it adds a little extra substance to the imagery.
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
For me, I like meeting or coming across people who share similar interests, life experiences, values, morals, triumphs, and tragedies as I do. Theres that, and then there's the fact that I think you're handsome. Also, you're just an interesting person in general.
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
I'd like to see whatever you're willing to put out there. I like all the post; from you just goofing around with your peeps down to the topics you posted before the hiatus. Your openess and honesty is refreshing. I like the blog the way it is, wouldn't change a thing. Well, maybe that white type on the black background. I don't wanna be blind by the time I'm 25 lol.
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
You can tell a lot from people's body language and expressions. Your body language in some of the images of you say a lot about your personality. One example, that face you make in most of your photos. That face says two things to me. One, you're just goofy lol. Two, you're guarded. You remind me of my ex. I know I know, guys hate to hear that but its not in a I'ma but your windows out kinda way lol. You seem like a cool person to be around, mad down to earth. You're able to tap into your emotions without being extremely sensitive. You're very smart, definitely ambitious, and definitely a talented writer/photographer. You seem like a great partner, in terms of relationships. How do I feel about you? Hmm, well you've definitely made me look at asian guys in a new light. Basically you seem like the kinda person I would be cool with. Comical, cultured, classy and clean.
Well, that was nice. I'm curious to see what other people will write. Hmm, can't wait...............oNe
1) Where are you from? (city)
Washington, DC where my president is black and my lambo's blue.....lol
2) How did you find my blog?
I googled "Asian tourist with camera's" and your blog popped up......lol I joke I joke I kid I kid. I forget how I found you blog
3) How often do you read it?
me: My name is Brian
group members: HI BRIAN
me: And I am a chronic lost in the wilderness reader, I check on the hour from work from my BB. It has become a problem.
4) Photos or writing? or both?
Both however you have been getting long winded with your writings lately but the content is still great
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
I have always surrounded myself with next generation people from my endeavors around the world, And I can say you might be the coolest Asian guy I don't know (NO HOMO)(pause) (etc...) lol
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
More Videos, you have a great gift of creating story lines through your pictures and videos.
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
You seem like the cool hipster type like my self, who at times can has a bone of sarcastic asshole in him but its all in fun and games. Def focused and ready to take over the T.O. with you views, as a matter of fact fuck it be the first Asian guy with his own prime time late night show lol I want 25 percent stake in the company now lol.
Check out my blog:
I touch on everything from travel to relationships to life its blog made for trend setters
1) Where are you from? Victoria City, Hong Kong.
2) How did you find my blog? You commented on drake's one time and i just came to yours.
3) How often do you read it? everyday, every other day. whenever I'm on.
4) Photos or writing? or both? Little of both.
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)? The funny times you have with your friends. I need a laugh, kinda on the depressed side.
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse? More about your siblings and your mom. um..less partying? you looked so gross after the butter weed!!!
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me. Pretty much you keep it 100. You like to party & take pictures. Can be asshole or sweet heart depending on the circumstance. I think you're a cute little asian boy though. that's why i clicked your name. haha. Okay I'm done cuz it's too early & i'm up hyper and shit.
1) Where are you from? (city)
Bramptonnnnnnnnnn aka West of Toronto aka the BUUUUUUUUUURBS
2) How did you find my blog?
This vietnamese guy Will told me about it.
3) How often do you read it?
Everyday when I wake up and before I go to bed :)
4) Photos or writing? or both?
Both! I love the funny picture desriptions; they make my day.
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
Mostly the pics. I'm a visual person as you know and I rather see things that'll keep me scrolling.
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
Um.. I'm not sure you know.
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
Well I personally know you and you's a great guy Willy boo, lol.
1) Where are you from? (city)
I'm originally from Puerto Rico but I'm an ARMY BRAT so I don't really "claim" a city.
2) How did you find my blog?
October's Very Own Blog.
3) How often do you read it?
Uhm, whenever you write something (:
4) Photos or writing? or both?
The photos are great but your writing is deep, so both.
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
The fact that you seem completely honest online. Most people don't have a personal touch to their blog but you do.
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
More videos? They're always funny & the only thing that would make it worse is if you stop writing :/
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
You seem like a person that' been through a lot but, regardless, you still manage to see the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. I would think if someone doesn't like you, it's because they're jealous of your greatness as a person? lol.
1) Where are you from? (city)
Euclid, OH
2) How did you find my blog?
from Octobers Very Own
3) How often do you read it?
I'm a follower, so every time you drop a new post
4) Photos or writing? or both?
Both. I love takin photos and I love writin songs. Might write a book tho. .Be from the legends league got me thinkin about it when he said he was writin one and that man writes some deep shit on his blog
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
I like what you have to write about. It's like, you always end up having somethin insightfull to say even tho I don't think you even meant to say it which is great
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
Just keep doin you and i'll keep comin back
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
I think you are a very opinionated guy that knows what he wants in life and is trying to go out and get it. And it helps when you're surrounded by people who are striving for the same goals that you are. Makes me wish I had more people like them in my circle. Majority of the people I kick it with is content with the debt and bullshit. I wish they kinda felt like i did about life.
1. Toronto
2. Octobers Very Own
3. Ummm.....regularly?
4. Both
5. Ummm your crazy posts...the pics. The fact that you give off that vibe of that ultra cool asian kid I wished I went to school with? lol
6. Hmmmmmmmmmmm i dunno? Its good just the way it is.
7. Emotional. Maybe its just now as opposed to other times. But hey - thats the point of a blog - to let your emotions made known.
Also, funny! The Premium P paragraph confirmed it for me.
Also - you're a romantic.
1) The Bay Area, But living in Phx, Az.
2)I think I found your blog threw Nebby's Blog.
3)Everyday! Your like me.. Your very detailed and Must write every detail to the storey. Almost to give the reader a better feel of what your talking about!
5)The fact that you always have something to talk about! period. I like that fact that when something interest you... u speak about it!
6)I think its fine kid! Dont worry about what people want you to blog about!! If something intrests you.. blog it! otherwise it wouldnt be YOUR blog spot!
7)I think yo ass is CRAZY!! loll I love it!! YOu seem mad coo.. Silly as hell...outgoing.. and very talented! Hope to get to learn more!
1) Courtice, Ontario
2) My friend and i were having a discussion about Drake, and she told me about Octobers Very Own, and then shes like ' check this guys blog out hes really funny'
3) Everyday. its a habit
4) Both. I am my high school sports photographer, and i write quite a bit as well for school and just because.
5) I love it because your just an average guy going through life, and dealing with things the best way that you can. I've had some of the same upsets and problems as you, and reading it from someone else's perspective is great. I'd come back just for the premium p story though lol. But honestly though, just keep doing you, and I'll keep reading :)
6) It's perfect the way it is.
7) From everything that you've wrote, you seem like an amazing guy. Really down to earth, a romantic, hilarious. You know what you want to do in life, and your prepared to go out and get it, no matter how much bullshit your gonna have to go through. :)
1) Where are you from? LOS ANGELES
2) How did you find my blog? OCTOBERSVERYOWN
3) How often do you read it? EVERYDAY
4) Photos or writing? BOTH
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? YOUR LIFE AND WRITING
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? NOTHING REALLY
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? SENSITIVE AND YOU'RE STILL TRYING TO FIND YOURSELF
1) Where are you from?
*Kitchener, ONT AKA K-Town
2) How did you find my blog? *Drake's blog...he's also a friend of mine. Well a long distance friend lol.
3) How often do you read it?
*Its like a book that I can't put down. First thing I read in the morning, read it at work, from my Blackberry, last think I read before I go to bed.
4) Photos or writing? or both? *Your photos are amazing and they are a window into your life but I love reading your thoughts and about your fantabulous weekends. I live vicariously through you because my life is so boring lol!
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
*Like I said above, I live vicariously through you so I need to know what's going on in your life because its clearly better than what's going on in mine...sad, I know. That's Kitchener for ya...BOR-ING!
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
*I wouldn't change a thing!
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
*I think you're an inspiring individual. One of those people who will, have and is making a difference. Where I'm from, there's not too many people who are making a movement. We don't have a group of individuals who are interested in making a difference and whatnot. People come here to go to school (University of Waterloo and Laurier) and then ditch this place cuz it's such a downer and nothing's going on. I feel that I have learned a lot from you, especially about relationships and just life in general. You're one of a kind and I agree with The Definition, you're a cutie and based on your posts, you have a heart of gold and know how to treat a lady. That makes you good in my books ;)
1. Baltimore, Md (The good part. Is that a distinction that needs to be made? Hell’s yea! Then ppl will be like is it really like The Wire? Yea, it is but I don’t live near it....anymore.)
2. Via October’s Very Own. I am a music psycho and (so I appreciate what Drake brings to the table as an artist, thus why I found his blog somehow) was looking at the little side bar of blogs they (he and oliver) frequent and yours was one. Glad I was perusing that day!
3. At work..at home (when my internet allows...it sux)..on my BB..so kinda everyday. . I feel like I look once a day and then come back later and you have 5 new stories so I need to stay on it! I miss the occasional day tho.
4. Both. Sometimes words can’t describe moments and that’s when a photo becomes necessary. However, I do appreciate words because…I do.
5) The variety is what I like most about your blog. One day you’ll be talking about clothes, the next you’ll be talking about a party or concert you went to/are involved in/took pics of, or some random outing to the zoo with you and a friend and the next you’ll be talking about wall-e. Which I must say I didn’t see when it was in theaters cause no one would go with me but I was watching the zshare you put up and got like half way thru (up to where the captain found out Eve located something on earth) and then my dumb ass internet wldnt let it load anymore. Needless to say I was a little upset. It was sooo cute! I kept stopping it during the beginning cause I’m a loser and it was making me all teary! He was just so lonely! I need to go cop that so I can finish watching… Ne-who I digress! I come back because a lot of the things you say I agree with. You share a lot of the same views as I do and not to mention your hi-larious! You’re a funny kid. Me likes! So as long as you keep it up..i’ll keep a’comin back. Like I said you’re kinda like my drug..OVO and your blog are the only ones I actually really keep up with. Like regularly. Sometimes Kanye (he just has the dopest shit on there) and this guy Travis from Gym Class Heroes…So yay you for getting me into blogs which I said I would never do! Whoo hoo! Dos puntos!
6) Everything is sweet to me. I don’t mind the long blogs (funny, random or emo) they are great and I read em all. Pictures, your crackberry blogs (addiction is a problem…it kills)…all of it makes this blog what it is…what is it? CRAZINESS! But its sweet!
7) Hmmm…you’re a schmuck. J/k…Nah you seem to be a very genuine person. You seem like you put on a good front maybe not a front per say but that you may be a fragile kid. We already know your really emo so that might not be far fetched. You are hi-larious! And as I said before you seem very ambitious person and surround yourself with like minded people who are all forward thinkers and trying to make an impact on the world. I think that’s one of the things I so connect with and like about you: your desire not to be forgotten and to make an impact. When I was younger (and now; I’m only 22 so not that younger was that lng ago) however, unlike you I don’t know the path to take or how to even begin. So In addition to that I love that you’re still searching for who you are and what makes you happy and love. So that’s not that general, kinda specific in fact but I’m a rambler so…ya kno. So it is my sincere hope that I will be able to find people like those that you are around in terms of their ambition and success because it will only improve my thinking and drive. Like someone said…you are one of the coolest kids I don’t know. Sweet! Peace!
1) Where are you from? (city)
Miami, Florida
2) How did you find my blog?
through October's very own
3) How often do you read it?
every single day- AT LEAST twice a day
4) Photos or writing? or both?
both- love everything, even though i'm not from toronto and never been there. i especially love reading your point of view about things
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
you really seem to be genuine and while i read many blogs, they're usually the same ol same ol. you and bryan's blog seem to go farther in depth than most blogs
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
i like everything so don't change a thing
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
you seem to be very complex. you present yourself as a funny, genuine, fun-loving person, but there seems to be so much more to you. from reading your history and especially your post about relationships, i get sense that there are a lot of things troubling you but you try and be optimistic and to see the good in things.
1) Where are you from? (city)
2) How did you find my blog?
October's Very Own
3) How often do you read it?
I visit often. I have a list of blogs that I check on sporadically throughout the course of my day. It's become routine.
4) Photos or writing? or both?
Both are appreciated, however I would enjoy seeing more photos. A portfolio perhaps... ?
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
Curiousity mainly. To see the type of Toronto you view, instead of just seeing mine.
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
More insight on your thoughts, your opinion. Not necessarily regarding personal things, just in general. What could make it better? More posts!
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
Definitely intriguing as an individual, you seem motivated. You just seem like you have a good vibe.
1) Where are you from? (city)
2) How did you find my blog?
3) How often do you read it?
~3 to 5 times a week
4) Photos or writing? or both?
~both,ima vivid person so i can relate more
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
~I like how you try to keep it as genuine as possible especially with past relationships and all other aspects of life..im kinda the same way so its like reading about my personality lol..
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
~jus keep doin you and documenting everything cuz i like how you show the negative and the positive
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
~you seem like a cool dude..if we lived in the same area we would probably know each other jus off of the hobbies were into and the jobs we have..
1) Where are you from? (city)
2) How did you find my blog?
Well I think I stumbled on your blog earlier this year from your facebook and just recently I started growing an interest in photography and rememebered the asian guy who drove a Bell truck to my friend's party who took really nice pictures and I decided to google you (which took me a pretty minute because 1. I forgot your name and 2. googling your name doesn't point directly to this blog) then I had to somehow manoeveure my way through inquiring minds magazine and blah blah blah here I am now =p
3) How often do you read it?
More frequently now as I have your page favourited on my browser
4) Photos or writing? or both?
Currently photos because I love the things you capture and just how you capture them. Toronto's nightlife has got to be a photographer's dream..
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
Your quirky writing (however jumbled and random they may be). You remind me of the way I write in my own blog which is less structured and more head to hand typing (no filter in between the two or lack thereof..not that it's a bad thing).
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
More: photography
Less: feeling defensive about your writing (i.e. in a few of your posts you point out negative things about yourself/the post and saying how you don't care what others think) because frankly it's because of they way you write that makes people come back so don't feel like you have to defend anything!
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
Well, when I first met you.. you seemed charismatic and an well rounded extrovert. Despite being the guy that knew no one there you still carried yourself very well which I can say only people that are comfortable with themselves can do. Then this year I find out that you're an amazing photographer as well who isn't the typical vietnamese 'hustler' and is actually educated so according to a previous entry about the character sketches you used to write... Muscles: 7, Coolness: 9, Importantness: n/a (as of now lol) Overall: 8.5 :)
Oh - Now I know. I'd like to see more than event-photography.
Maybe some wedding shots. Engagement shots. Glamour shots. Editorial.
1) Where are you from? Originally the Bronx, NY. But now in NJ. -_-
2) How did you find my blog? Octobers Very Own.
3) How often do you read it?3+ Times a day.
4) Photos or writing? or both? Writing.
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)? How I can relate to and feel the same way you do, just through your writing.
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse? More info on your past, less worriing about what other think.
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? To put it simply: You're the man.
1) Where are you from? (city)
Virginia Beach, Virinia
2) How did you find my blog?
I dont really remember
3) How often do you read it?
4) Photos or writing? or both?
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
I can usually relate to what im reading
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
I dont know...nothing really
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
Smart, Emotional, Loving, Think about things too much
1) Where are you from? Chicago, IL
2) How did you find my blog? I was on AT-F.net. And was lookin at that vid of that phantom w/ Drizzy and Rexxx
3) How often do you read it? Everyday when I'm blogging
4) Photos or writing? Both
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back? The stories. Or just the realness of the blog.
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse? Nothing is a decent blog. It's cool. Stay the same brah.
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me. Well you seem like one of my buddies. Just a dude other dudes could relate to. And you seem like a intelligent dude. I don't deal with dumb dudes.
1) B-Town
2) You.
3) Whenever u make me feel guilty for missing posts lol
4) both
5) drunk pics of u
6) more emo...is that possible? lol jk
7) that u are Viet. never knew. u can teach me to make Pho. u are cool peoples. open about shit some like to keep to themselves. *shrugs* just teach me to make Pho u scunt. lol
1) Where are you from?
(city)Wilmington, DE (ever heard of it? Nah...I didn't think so.)
2) How did you find my blog?
3) How often do you read it?
Too often. I think I might have a problem.
4) Photos or writing? or both? Both, although I'm partial to your writing.
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)? Your sense of humor, your sincerity, your willingness to bear pieces of your soul.
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
I'll take whatever you got. Just don't stop blogging.
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
You seem like a really genuine person with a great sense of humor who is still trying to figure it all out.
1) Where are you from? (city)
2) How did you find my blog?
My BF put me onto it. Said you were funny.
3) How often do you read it?
In its entirety? Huhmmm I peruse it everyday.
4) Photos or writing? or both?
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)?
you're funny and it keeps me busy at work. lol
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?
huhmmm, its good.
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me.
You seem like a really cool person.
My boyfriend and I want to move to Canada now. lol
1) Where are you from? --Scarborough, but I live in Montreal now
2) How did you find my blog?-- From a link on "October's Very Own" ( and I wanted to see who Drake was shouting out on the "Still Fly freestyle" lol
3) How often do you read it?-- Every other day
4) Photos or writing? or both? --Both
5) What is it that interests you about the blog? What keeps you coming back (if you do)? --The photos and Toronto Hip-Hop associated posts
6) What would you like to see more or less of on this blog? What would make it better or worse?-- Every blog is different, and yours stands out enough to pull my attention, so don't change shit
7) What is ur perception of me based on what you know about me so far? Just a general opinion of who you think I am and how you feel about me. --You're real in the true definition of the word, that's why I keep reading because you may be deep in the T.O scene but you still show that you are trying to figure shit out just like anyone else despite of what your haters think about you.
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