Thanks for always making me tea in the morning.
Thanks for always folding my laundry.
Thanks for always reminding me to drink milk.
Thanks for always buying my favorite muffins.
Thanks for always making me go to sleep early.
Thanks for always yelling at me when I dont eat my vegetables.
Thanks for always caring about my well-being.
Thanks for always making soup and tucking me in when Im sick.
Thanks for always bailing me out of a rut.
Thanks for always being there.
Im sorry for the times Ive been stubborn.
Im sorry for the times Ive yelled back.
Im sorry for the times Ive slammed the door and marched out the house.
Im sorry for the times Ive ignored you.
Im sorry for all the times Ive made you worry.
Im sorry for the times Im embarrassed you.
Im sorry for the times Ive let you down.
Im sorry for the stress Ive brought you.
Im sorry for the sacrifices you made.
Im sorry for all the pain you indured.
Im sorry for all the tears you've shed.
Im sorry for the sleepless nights.
Im sorry for the frustration.
Im sorry for your heartaches.
Im sorry for the trouble Ive caused.
Im sorry I havent done more.
Im sorry I didnt grow to be the man you wanted me to be.
Im sorry I couldnt be the son you had hoped for.
Im sorry I wasnt more.
Thank you for never giving up on me.
Thank you for always pushing me.
Thank you for always catching me.
Thank you for always having hope in me when Ive lost all hope in myself.
Thank you for teaching me how to forgive but never forget.
Thanks for teaching me how to love others.
Thanks for showing me how to care for others.
Thanks for showing me how to be selfless.
Thanks for always holding it together and staying strong for all of us.
Thanks for showing me the importance of honesty and loyalty.
Thanks for always reinforcing the value of a family even though ours was dysfunctional.
Thanks for teaching me responsibility and how to become a man.
Thanks for everything you have and have not done.
Thank you for being in my life.
Thank you for being my mother.
Thank you for all your love.
I wouldnt be the man I am today if you were not the woman you were yesterday.
I love you mama
Happy 43rd Birthday
Now can someone translate what I said into Vietnamese and send that to my mom? lol
And yes I am spoiled, but thats why I love my mom.
And yes I am spoiled, but thats why I love my mom.
awww, that's so sweet. I think mama's boys are adorable.
It's unconditional love...
That was hella rich...mamas boy!
So Sweet! Ain't nothing wrong with loving your mama.
"Now can someone translate what I said into Vietnamese and send that to my mom?"
hahaha you're jokes will.
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