I dont have anything to post...
Total loss of ideas...well I have things Id like to write, but my mood has to be just right to write. lol
A lotta interesting things happened today...especially in the latter part of the evening. Ill post those pictures later...
On the other hand, Im selling my camera...
Any bidders?
I think Im gonna quit photography and just join an Asian dancehall team...
or not.
I dunno...
Ive noticed that photography is getting really boring...
I realized I dont want to be like David LaChapelle...or Terry Richardson
I just want to be William Nguyen...
I wanna just move away to Hawaii and live carefree...
Nah, Im fucking with you...although Im sure no one gives a cluck if I quit photography.
Im tryna upgrade...so anyone looking to buy a Canon Rebel XT body with the battery grip and a 580exII flash?
I kinda wanna keep my lens tho...
email me at william_nguyen85@hotmail.com if you're interested...
Wow...by far this is the most boring post ever...
Oh! here's a funny story...or not...
So I drove my sister home today and I asked her for some lotion when we got to her house cuz my face was feeling a bit dry. So she goes, its over there on my counter. So I go grab it, squeeze some green stuff on my hand.
So I start rubbing it with both hands and just as I put it on my face...I notice and say..."Why the hell are my hands still green? Why hasnt the lotion gone into my skin yet?'
My sister comes into the room and she's like
"No thats the firming face mask!"
"WTF? You tryna fuck up my shit or something? You're so lucky I didnt put this on my face and drive around town with it and saying hi to the people at work acting no green shit was on my face!"
Well its kinda one of those you had to be there kinda jokes...
Sorry guys...*teardrop...
I need some topic ideas...It doesnt matter what it is. Give me a photography project. Tell me to show you something...tell me to write something. York University's been on strike for 4 weeks now and I dont wanna do my hmwk...lets keep me occupied so I can fail in school and never do anything in this life except blog and scratch my nutsack, meanwhile losing readers everyday when they realize what a whatless loser I am still writing about love and stuff when Im all alone sitting on a brown and red flower print couch in my moms basement at 40 years old, single with no kids and watching re-runs of Entourage and crying over what my life woulda been if I only graduated from university, followed my dreams and didnt spend so much time blogging...
On second thought, maybe you guys shouldnt tell me what to post...
Maybe I need to check into blogging rehab...my worst days are my non blogging days. I like waking up to comments in the morning. When there are no good posts, there are no good comments...*sigh...mornings suck, I tear, stay in bed with the covers over my head...lol
Im going to sleep and maybe Ill grow facial hair tmr...that'll make me feel better...until I have to shave it off cuz it grows unevenly...*sigh again
suggestion..don't know if you've done it yet BUT..i'd love to read an article on whatever you can find on the rapper Blu..dude is beyond dope lol..also, wtf are you doing up at 4 am haha...or umm...the bombings in india..i'm actually here right now doing med school and man..gotten a little hectic, checking cars like every 20 meters for bombs and what not...this is straight verbal (text) diarrhea i really wouldn't know what to write about if i were you..pudding? ..damn im' hungry gonna grab food good luck brotha lol peace
Hm, I wish my school would go on a strike.
LOL at you & the face mask!
Don't go to blogging rehab 'cos then there won't be anything for me to read :/ Just become a PROFESSIONAL blogger & get paid for that! haha. Do they even do that?! Google time (:
you talk about how you would treat a girl so much, why dont you write a post about your ideal woman?
just a thought...and just curious lol
I say you make a blog using people's comments to tell a story; a madlibs sort of thing, make it really random and see how it turns out
Why Don't you talk about Canadian politics lol Its becoming very interesting right now
I'm at wrk now all alone and ur blog is my salvation..so nothing is something to me. So despite that being about nothing... I was laughing the whole time! Why? I dunno... I'm entertained by the little things... But I agree with the anon. psts about your ideal woman and the making a story out of ppls comments.. the latter would be a little hrd..cause ppl write random things smtimes. But it'll b dope if you did. Like the sng by GCH "taxi driver" with all the different bands...Or since I'm a HUGE music fan..tell me (us)some of your fav artists/songs/albums since you have your soundtrack playing in your head at all times.. let us in.
Yeah, you say you had a soundtrack to your life, TIME TO EXPOSE!
keep talking about how much you love your blackberry! i know im so deeply in love mine. do you play brock breaker on my phone?, cuz that shit has me addicted.
LMAO at " asian dancehall team* please join one and invite me to your pratices... lol i feel ur pain bout da strike.. i feel like i should be doing work.. but i know there is no one to mark it ... or they might not make us do some of the assignments so i do nothing at all ... n i end up bored lol but blog gives me something to do .. so thankz lol
so i actually laughed so hard at the lotion story ..cuz a similar thing happened to me ...i blogged it too .. so check it out .. but when it comes to topics i'm struggling myself..u seem to have got it on lock tho .. keep it going :D.. i know i'm no help..sorry :(
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