Look at the next 9 photographs and think about they all have in common...Im being serious...Besides them being Hollywood Heart throbs...(no homo). lol
SUPER PAUSE for me even spending time googling all these names and having to look at all the pictures...*Will cringes. lol

Now what did those 9 people have in common with me...???

...well this is definitely not a great picture of me for this example...or maybe even a great picture at all...the only purpose this picture serves is for a good laugh. lol
All good looking dudes (no homo) have small eyes...I WIN BITCHES!!!
loool...some of small eyes and others are just squinting due to the lights lol..but one thing i know they have in common is they are all not asian...no offence
*smh* only you Will
wow, you have a lot of time on your hands.
It's seriously okay if you are a closet homo. This post was to give your readers a clue because you are dying to come out...it's.okay.will. We all love you and will love you the same! ;)
im not so sure if i get the relevance of the asian remark from the anonymous commenter...
imagine if I was homo...well dont but, if I was...Id have a lot of really upset ex girlfriends thats for sure. lmao
Mmmm more eye candy! Yay! Will your hot too but one can never have enough sexy! Esp Pharrell... Yeessiir!
LMAO Willie... man oh man. I really didnt expect your picture to be down there, so unexpected, made me laugh.
hahah i like this post...apparently i find the squinty eye thing mesmerizing...my friends did this to me once...all the dudes i've ever been with are very very different people appearance wise and everything...culturally and whatnot...but they all have those squinty asian eyes...gotta love em ;)
i find that saying "no homo" after a "homo" quote is pointless. saying no homo is homo. in my opinion you shouldn't have said no homo in the first place if you thought the comment you were about to make was homo-like.
i'm justt sayinnn..
on a better note...i litterally laughed out loud at this..lol
agreed...but its funny to say the sentence...its easier to say no homo than to rephrase the sentence sometimes. lol
but i feel you. lol
LOL...I almost died at "SUPER PAUSE"...I'm at work, I work at a hospital in admin and let me tell you, things get pretty boring sometimes...but this post MADE MY NIGHT...all those sexy pics and then the best one at the end :D
Actually, Tyson Beckford is half asian. His mom is chinese. That fact is only vaguely relevent, but still...
i love small eyes! i kinda got them too (super small, almost non-existent when i smile). every guy i've ever been attracted to has had small eyes. its a must have trait. funny post lol
just to be an ass...
I like bright eyes. Sorry Will, we could never date.
lol Ha!
LMAO...ok this is the last oldass post imma comment on.
But I have tiny eyes too...and when I was younger my brother use to call me Brock from Pokemon....I didnt get it til after like two months...for some reason I didnt know I had small eyes. I told my friends that my brother calls me Brock and they started rolling…I was like tell me whats so funny…then they told me and I couldn’t stop laughing lol
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