So we're supposed to be leaving for NYC in the next few hours...
The only problem is...we didnt rent the car yet!
Which happens to be the biggest problem ever. We totally underestimated the busy-ness of this weekend and figured we could just do it last minute...all the SUV's are sold out in the city...tisk.
So Seven and I are gonna drive back out to the airport tomorrow morning and hope we can get an SUV...so hopefully we can still go...and if not...I guess Im just gonna use the NYC money for another tattoo...lmao
I should probably sleep now right? In case we head out to NYC tmr? ...I mean later?

why do you need a car? its nyc...
Its a 9 hour drive from toronto. The car is fastest and cheapest. The bus takes longer and costs a helluva lot more. And the plane is outta the budget. ...so yea...no car, no go.
oh ok i see...i didn't think of that...i thought you meant to get u around nyc...sorry you couldnt go :(
Whatever happened to good old hitch hiking?
yeah, you should hitch hike across the country and blog about it, just don't get killed or anything
9 hrs? u roll with me i get there in 7, mind u ur not stopping every hour or so.
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