the only other person half as dumb as seven. lmao
So yesterday, we were at my crib cuz we had to take some photos for a disclosed reason, no homo. And decided to walk into the field behind my house...but there was a beehive stuck on the door...and we couldnt walk through the door without brushing into this is what we did...
this video actually ended with me fallin...i dont know if you can see my leg flying in the air at the end...but i fell and dropped the camera, it accidentally hit the stop button but i was still screamin rolling on the ground...too bad...woulda made for some good blair witch shit.
anyways, here's part two...nothing really exciting happens in this part, but it has its moments.
you may laugh...or you may never read the blog again...whatevs. lol
So is your scream high-pitched, dog whistle like or hearty like Tarzan? Or do you squeal like a pig in labour or yelp like a wounded puppy? This Chillyean wants to know.
lol...its a cross between a dirtbag whore and the shower scene in the movie psycho.
...*will cringes...
thats kinda eerie..
Will you're one crazy dude!... hahaha
its gee
I liked that bottom video... I wish I had a narnia-type backyard lol.
LOOOOOL at the scream was deadly
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