I dont know what to even say to a comment that I received on a previous post...like wow!
is it you who thinks Im trying to be black but your hiding behind the curtain while doing so?
Why would you think other people think that?
I dont get it.
I dont know if I should be offended or if black people should be offended by such a comment...
Like think about that...
I msged a crapload of people on my blackberry asking if they ever thought I was just an Asian wanting to be black...everyone said no and laughed...and then they all said...but what the fuck does it mean to be black...
These were some of their responses:
Jason Johnson said:
I am offended I hate what "those" black represent and try to maintain. They have sooo much pride in being at the bottom of the barrel and expect every other black person to be there *bull shit* black is just the fucking colour of my skin it doesn't define me! Black isn't a characteristic I am who I am and I will not let my colour define me
Dre said:
Whoever this person is just sees a black person as just stereotypes and not just a normal person.....I really do get tired of hearing that shit. we're a new generation we shouldn't be on this shit and really does hurt me to see the hating sometimes.
Like I really dont get it...what about me makes me look like I want to be black?
Because I have a lot of black friends I want to be black? If they hang around with me does that mean they want to be Asian? Because I listen to music made by black artists?
I really dont get it?
Do I dress black?
But how do black people dress?
Are we working with the stereotype of baggy clothes, hoodies and baseball caps?
Is that their cultural attire or something?
And do all black people dress like that?
And if that is the stereotype, I dont even dress like that, so I dont get it.
If its clothes your referring to, than thats even more fuct up...cuz I wear fitted clothes...so does hat mean everyone in fitted clothes is dressing black?
I dont get it.
We're all well aware of black stereotypes...although you're not trying to offend me and give me a perspective...but perspectives of who?
What benefit does this perspective give me now that I know?
And do I give a fuck for this perspective?
But really...wtf is black?
How are you going to define black to me?
What does it mean when u say black?
Hood? ghetto? thug? ...or whatever other degrading words you may have?
And if you (the commenter) are black, shame on you for making such an ignorant remark against your own.
I am color blind.
I may make jokes about light skins and dark skins, but its all in good humor and its with people that know me well and understand my intentions and my train of thought, I dont make it randomly. Same way when I make fun of someone's weight or when I call someone dumb...I dont mean what I say, its in good humor.
But a comment like...an asian wanting to be black?
I know a lot of really educated, established and successful black people.
Are those the black people you are referring to, too?
Because really, that is what I think of.
And Im not just saying that to suck up to anyone, anyone who knows me, knows I see no color.
Every black person that I associate with on a regular basis is a working professional and is someone I have a lot of respect and love for...
But somehow, I feel like your comment wasnt in referrence to these particular black individuals...
There is so much more Id like to say...but Im going to start swearing and getting really heated.
I have a big problem with racism...I don't mind jokes between friends that understand eachother and mean no malice and as long as its nothing too offensive...but things like downplaying a whole culture and just plain ignorance really upsets me.
We need to all learn to see people for who they really are regardless of what they look like. Ill like u or hate you for who u are...and judge u accordingly based on our relationships and interactions...and if our relationship is sour, it doesn't reflect on everyone that has ur skin color.
I'm hoping the person who wrote this post didn't mean any malice behind their words, and it may have been an innocent mistake...but u should be more careful with your choice of words...especially when it has to do with race.
Its a very dangerous place to be.
Yea, and so what? I made a post about how I think some ppl are wack at clubs and have too much self esteem for no fucking reason. Yea I said it. But understand I'm a fuckin joker. I aint hating on a group, a race or a category of ppl. Its me merely making fun of a handful of ppl. And yea its in the eye of the beholder, one mans trash is another mans treasure...yea, I get it. But its called crackin a joke.
You know when u write an essay, u select a particular argument, u either create or find evidence for ur argument and u kinda of ignore or softly identify a few counter arguments and variables, but u downplay the counter arguments for the sake of ur argument to be effective! ...some of you might not have made it past middle school and never wrote an essay and seem to have been offended by what I said. I can only shrug and say I'm sorry you missed the joke and the humor behind what I wrote.
A lot of people are just mad sensitive about a lot of bullshit issues...and some of them will come around making racist remarks...consciously or not...you need to be more aware of your word selection.
I'd really like to know how you guys feel about this issue.
Like are you offended? Do you agree?
What does it mean to black?
and like...wtf? Do I even look like I'm trying to be black...whatever 'black' in this context means...
I don't even get the basis for this claim...neither did anyone else I messaged?
Ps. And yes, I do enjoy these posts. Please, I invite all ignorant msgs. I will address them all. I love having an opportunity to just vent and blow up! I await the ignorant phrases and comments.
But the point of this post is not to just put a commenter on blast, but to educate you.
If I point this out, hopefully, you will be more aware and hopefully gain perspective on your own perspective point. Like I said, racism is an issue that really hits me.
I understand that sometimes there are certain traits that are specific to certain cultures...but Ill let Rachel tell you this...she articulated it better than I could have.
Rachel says: I feel u some people just identify with a culture more so than others but I don't see it as trying to be anything unless its unatural. But coming honestly from someone who attended an all black univeristy and grew up raised in a white community there are certain cultural differences that can be "loosely" defined by race. Key word being "loosely" because when u generalize with anything it becomes ignorant. I embrace some sterotypes and take on as an abassador to prove some of them wrong. You can acknowledge these differences but The whole point is to accept and not to generalize.
And to the person who originally posted that comment, please, I'd like to hear from you what you meant by 'black'. I'm really interested.
The clarification would be greatly appreciated.
I agree with the ear peice at the club...thats just wack!......
but as far as the opinion on the dudes looks..or dress...I think that is up to the eye of the beholder......so to each is own..
cuz you know ppl can be saying who is this little asian wanna be black bla bla bla blah....and you know you must have heard that shit.........i'm not trying to offend you.....i'm just giving you a perspective........