Just wanted to say thank you to my homeboy Seven for all your dedicated help and thank you to Nicholas for the assistance and advice.
The first round was shot by Matt Barnes, the second was by Che Kothari, and third and fourth was shot by me! I mean, Im by no means on the same plain as Matt or Che...but it is nice to have my name in the same sentence. And if you know the work of Matt and Che, you'll know exactly what I mean.
My hat goes off to those 2.
Anyhow, its been a long and exhausting day for Seven and I.
Seven now owns an SLR and acted as my 'behind the scenes stills' photographer..which is nice, because now I finally get to be in some pictures! Frack!
The only two pictures from the shoot that Im posting is the one above, and the one directly below
To all the Remix participants, its been a pleasure to work with you guys today. Sorry, if I wasnt very energetic...I didnt eat all day. lol
PS. Thats not my hair do, its my hat hair. lol
PSS. Sorry to everyone whom I have yet to respond to. I am being bombarded with emails and msgs about the photoshoots and other things. I will respond to you guys as soon I have some free time. Please dont take it as any sort of disrespect or a gesture of negligence. Ive just been so busy, which explains my lack of long winded, emo posts.
Ill be back soon, I promise.
aka home sweet home.
Heyyyy that's the GO train I take to get downtown!! I see (kinda, not really, mostly just the street off the next leading into remix) you guys all the time.
Whoohoo for me and my trekk from Brampton. Yes.
Reading your blog and about the Remix project has really inspired me to work with children in creative arts and media when I'm older.
So. Thanks Will..
I just took in this post after commenting on the 6 Degrees one where some cat called me out as the roti-roti girl! That KILLLLLED me seriously! :D
But, I see you had your first photo shoots at the new studio at REMiX! Congrats! You’re doing something you are really passionate about, I can tell. Those photos from Niagara were magical, I never really looked at Niagara that way, I always just went to Clifton Hills, lol. I never stopped to see the BEAUTY, but you definitely captured it well with your cam. Just passin’ through to wish you well this year hun, I see all the hate you get on your blog and it’s ridiculous, but keep doing you. It’s your life, your time, your chance and it really does seem like you’re heading in the right direction. Don’t give into the haters, don’t let them get to you, but you’re a humble guy so I know you’ll handle it all with grace! Stay sweet! ♥
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