First of all, Id like to give the commenter of the topic of the last post a handshake of congratulations for being the first person Ive called out to respond back with a name an actual blog address.
I have great respect for you for doing so.
This was her response in the case you guys missed it.
In regards to your response, theres a lot that Id like to say in response, but I think the topic is so grand that we could dedicate an entire blog to the issue, nevermind a single post.
I want to thank everyone who responded to the post, whether you spoke in my favor or against me. I took into consideration every comment that went up and took some time to really think about it and then reassess my post and what I said.
I admit I may have been slightly a tad too harsh and may have overlooked a few aspects...and I do apologize. I was dragged out of bed 6 hours too early and was already grouchy, I was also already in a bad mood because someone owed me money...and I think that comment totally just set me off. Im not finding excuses or trying to justify my actions...Im simply letting you understand my condition at that moment...that may have caused a hasty response...which in retrospect may have been a bit heavy handed...but not entirely.
I didnt consider it a hater comment, but I did consider the comment to be slightly ignorant. Like I said, for you to bring up that comment must have meant you somehow thought of it yourself. I understand you were giving me perspective, but why didnt you give me a perspective that had me potentially looking like a weirdo, or a hipster, or a loser...or something that doesnt have a race or anything of a socially discriminating controversial nature? Maybe it was just a bad example that you decided to use.
There were a lot of points that I wanted to make in this post, but I wasnt at home when I received your comment regarding my response. Anything that I planned to say has already been mentioned in the comments from other readers, and anything you may have potentially said back in response was said for you from other comments as well.
But in response to your comment about me feeling insecure about your claim and having to msg people on my blackberry, it has nothing to do with insecurity. Whenever anyone makes a claim about me, when I get into arguments with certain people, or whatever, I always ask for a second opinion.
Although Im quit confident, that Im not trying to be any particular race/ skin color, I always ask because my opinion about myself will always be bias. I need another perspective to verify in case there must be something I missed when processing a comment, issue or situation.
Like when I have girlfriend problems, I always ask someone, because there is always something that you may have missed.
I wont continue with the topic because I think whatever else you and I may have to say about this topic will be repetitive based on the comments left by the other readers.
As much as the comments gave me perspective on what I may have miscalculated in my post, I hope you can take away something as well.
At the end of the day, we're all human. I didnt believe you had a malicious intent, but I was offended nonetheless.
But thank you again for responding, clarifying and identifying yourself.
I have mad respect for you for doing that and not hiding behind an 'anonymous' label.
Another reason why I didnt want to continue pursuing this topic too intensely is because once I blog, Ive basically vented and my feelings and emotions pass over and Im good again. There are so many things that go on in a day for me that I cant afford to spend that much time being mentally distracted.
I havent really been home today, so for the people still waiting for the pictures from Ashley's bday, Ill try to post them tomorrow at some point. I have to take my mom shopping, again...so I might not be blogging it til later at night.
Goodnight...im mad tired, Ive only had 5 hours of sleep combined within the last 2 days...and I gotta wake up pretty early tmr...and its already 532am...fuckin a.
The person who made the comment...
Ok so first of all let me start off by saying in no way was I commenting to come off negative or ignorant...I was just reading what you said and I thought about what people would say about you, not knowing what your about......and that was just an example of what I came up with.......in no means was I trying to offend you & I must say for you to write a blog about it....and to pin ppl & ask them what they think...I sense your a little insecure about it...which is normal...we're all insecure some way other the other........
As far as what ppl had to say about my comment and there conclusions as to what I'm about....it's all good...cuz ya'll don't know me.....
As far as being black......
if you want to get deep with it...
I believe to some extent we are all Black...due to the levels of Melanin in our body...and I also believe Black People are the Original People...& if you do your research and trace your roots...whether your indian, asian, spanish etc....you will find that it all leads to Africa...now finding that info maybe hard due to the fact that we are living in a world of white supremacy, where the ppl in power don't want you to know that kind of thing...lol (oh no white ppl are going to get offended...another blog is in the works lol) but what I do mean by that is...the power...the dictatorship, the standards are european.......don't be offended I'm not talking about Mr. Rogers in your neighbourhood.....lol
ANYWAY...back to the question....when I said being black, I took the perspective that you took and flipp'd it on you...just to show you what others maybe thinking of you at first impression..just like you do with your "Jokes"......its not what I think...its what I thought others may think of you at first glance......and what sparked my thought was the way you came off..which is some what judgemental & ignorant on your part.....But I understand that it can be jokes...
We all do it....feed into stereotypes...and call non black ppl "wiggers" etc....and if you actually say you don't.....
lol (btw I am not saying its correct to do this!)
As far as ppl who are not black that grew up to hiphop, lived in I don't know Malvern....etc etc you are a product of your environment.....I completely understand that...so if you say "wha gwan"...and your not Jamaican...its all good...it can be natural to you...BUT if your fakin' the funk...hell it ain't my problem...lol DO YOU!
Give Thanks for actually taking the time out for my comment......I hope this clarified somethings....
Feel free to blog about me anytime...........:)
I go by
Anitah Sparkz