He leaves this Friday back to France and who knows when Ill see him again, so I decided to take him, since he's been so anxious.
I tried my best to not take 'typical' Niagara Falls pictures...so I tried to do my best to capture an emotion or feeling...probably failed...but I did the best I could with numb digits.
We didnt really stop by any casinos or hang out on Clifton Hills...He only cared about the Falls...so we only hung out out there for like an hour and a half and hopped back in the car and drove for another hour and a half back home.
Although nothing overly exciting happened, its always good to spend time with family...and it was a good feeling knowing how happy he was while he was looking at the waterfall...and how satisfied and content he was when he seen it.
"Thats all I needed to see before I left. Just downtown Toronto and Niagara Falls. That completes the list of experiences I had. Im a simple man, I just wanted to see the landmarks and take some pictures to bring back to France to show my friends, your cousins and Auntie."
Of course, there are a million other cool things in Toronto...and in the province...but the time just doesnt exist...
But as long as he feels a sense of fulfillment, then I did my part.

Niagara Falls in the winter is so pretty! Great shots Will!
HOLLY.. Niagara looks crazy in the winter! I missed seeing these artistic shots from you, I got so used to the party pics.
the things we take forgranted right in our own backyard...
The pictures are beautiful, at least something good came out of the huge snowfall on saturday.
the pic of your feet is so dope.
and i love the wall•e photo.. my girl doesnt find it amusing when i do that.... every time we're at niagara lol
Hmmm you dont give yourself enough credit! Those were amazing pictures....:) My friend here from Dubai and i must say im not lookin fwd to going to the falls in the cold :( lol....
Hmmm you dont give yourself enough credit! Those were amazing pictures....:) My friend here from Dubai and i must say im not lookin fwd to going to the falls in the cold :( lol....
that's so gorgeous! great pictures will!
beautiful pictures..
Will these pics are amazing! I agree you don't give yourself enough credit.
My fav is the last one..it reminds me of the lampost in the Narnia movie (minus the ice) :)
my favorite part of Niagara in the winter is how the mist blows onto the trees and freezes...it makes them look so pretty...i love your pics!
dope pics will... love the wall-e pic!
I love all the pics, esp. the one with your uncle looking up at the tree... the proportion he looks small (and cute)
Wow...thats a little amazing. The pics and falls both. I love me some snow! So def. something I have to see up close, particularly in the winter... one day.
You captured incredible photos of the falls! The lighting makes it look very deep and beautiful!
wow ur such an amazing photographer!
will you suck! stop taking pics and quit photography. stop taking pictures of pictures. lol. i think its about time you focus on our rock band! the hell dude? we gotta rock out with our.... uh yah u know the rest lol.
I love the photos [especially the wall-e-ish ones lol]. Never been to Niagra Falls, thanks for sneak peek, winter landscape is always beautiful.
I just had a lostinthewillderness cram session cause i didn't even know the .com one was "under construction". Was like, damn Will must be sick or something cause he's not blogging. Oh well. Looks like 09 is off to a good start for you, thats awesome.
Pics look Dope! You're a Superfragilisticexpialidocious photographer William; keep up the good work :)
great pictures!!!!!!
wow, i've never seen it look like that before! not that i've ever been and not like we've snow over here either... but still. that's beautiful!
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