I just wanted to state, I understand that some people like to wear sunglasses in the club...maybe your eyes arent that cute...or maybe you're sensitive to the flashing lights...or maybe you're just tryna hide...or maybe you just wanna stunt.
But a bluetooth headset in your ear at a club?...
Like really now, is that fuckin necessary? Are you actually going to hear anything?
Like do you really need to look like your from the future walking around the club with the lil piece of whatever the crack it is flashing a blue light...like...who picks up a phone call in the middle of the dancefloor...like really now?
Thats why we have blackberrys!!! so you can type regardless of noise levels!
Sorry...just something I had to vent.
Ok...the actual topic is my curiousity with how lame people have so much confidence...
Like I was at a club the other day...working of course, and I seen this lame ass dude walk in with his sun glasses, bluetooth, and wack clothes (I aint hating...but if you dont look good, dont skank like you do..lol...im juss saying tho)...I mean, I knew homie, I barely wanted to say hi...lol...
Lets call him Buddy Ralph...lol
So Buddy Ralph walks through the crowd and this bush girl (Bush as in wack...no pun intended, esp if you used to watch WWF)...she goes, 'Hey Buddy Ralph, you look sexy tonight.'
Why would you tell someone they look good when they dont??? Why would you gas him up when he doesnt deserve to be?! You're not doing him a favor! You're fuckin his shit up!
You're letting him feel feelings that arent true!
Its all false...
How his own mother let him leave the house like that, I have no idea...maybe he changed in his car...or snuck out the back window and climbed down from the roof...who fucking knows.
Now look what you done did?! he's gonna go around, all gassed up, on a fuckin ride, hollering at girls way outta of his league cuz he thinks he got game...
You cant even reverse those feelings...you cant say ...'Nah, I was juss playing, you look like shit."
He'll just laugh his sexy laugh, flash you the bedroom eyes, bite his lip, hold you by your waist and, smirk and walk away with a gangster limp. lol
Its true...now you have to make him go holler at a fine ass g and get rejected...and maybe...just maybe he'll get it...but he probably wont...the gas you just fed him, doesnt go away quickly...not at all.
So if you that bomb ass girl whose got some stars on your jacket, and you got standards, and you just got hollered by the lame mother fucker with no line up, fake gucci glasses, big fake diamond earrings, a sterling silver necklace with a giant jesus pendant, a fuckin tall T, baggy jeans with the rhinestone studs and some baby brown (as in dirty white) pair of AF1's with the strap all saggy...
... blame that bush girl over there in her 3 for 5 dollars dress that she got from Hoochies R Us...she gave him all that confidence.
So basically, to all the not so cute ladies who dont have standards and arent a good judge of appearance, keep your mouth closed! lol
You're fucking everyone's shit up! lol
The same thing goes for the same scenario with the genders reversed. So guys, dont gas up bush looking girls either.
It aint nice...you're giving them a false sense of security! lol
And hey, I aint talking about about people who just have bad days and are just normal about it and just act cool. Im talking about the ignorant mother cluckers, who look like unwiped ass but gwan like they the shit (pun intended).
I mean, if you look like crap, shouldnt be trying to avoid attention? You dont want anyone noticing you, cuz they'll just laugh at you. lol
Like when I used to drive my old car, I never used to play my music loud, especially at the red lights! lol
Of course, Im overexaggerating the whole scenario...theres obviously more than one reason why losers are losers...but I just thought this would be one funny ass perspective.
We all know me, I like blowing theories outta proportion...
So laugh if you will...if you dont want to, its ok...
Anyhow, I digress...
Going to sleep now...
Maybe Ill write the post on why I hate clubs (ironically) tomorrow. lol
In any case, I hope you guys all enjoyed the first day of your new year.
new year. new money. new yen. nguyen.
can't even front on the post b... 100% real talk. AND fuck a club.. straight. gives lamers a chance to front, along with them fake ass retro kids that can't even quote BDK line. fuck outta here with bullshit... call em out shun!
My cheeks hurt after reading this post, it was too funny! And the part about the dude with the dirty AF1's really had me cracking up because i see guys that dress that way ALL THE TIME!
funny post will =]
All of this is a matter of personal opinion and taste. The dude might have been fly in his eyes and some others but that doesn't mean his style is on point in ur eyes. Some people may argue the way you guys dress is reaching a bit far. The military boots, the scarfs, the shiny moncler type jackets. It's all trends and following a trend is not cool. If the guy was looking like a homeless dude in the sewer tho and was frontin like he's fresh, shame on him. Cool down tho man...can't always be so judgemental. Live and let live.
LMAO. I be WEAK when I see people in the club with ear pieces!!!
Or how about people on they MYSPACE PAGES or FACEBOOK pages in the club?? WOW
u might as well stayed at the crib!!
Ummm ok. this was sorta funny...but honestly...what ms. "bush" thought was sexy, may not have been sexy to you. Thats why ms. "bush" is she, and you are you.
Either way you put it, all guys act gassed at the club, whether they're hot or not, blatant about it or secretive. They dont even need females to complement them in order to get gassed, because they already think they're the shit in their own eyes. And everyones been a victim of it.
good read though.
of course ms. bush has different taste.
i understand this is all about preferrence and my argument is relative.
I know that. Im isolating one issue and purposely ignoring all other variables for the sake of a good laugh to those who find this humorous...
if you dont find it funny...*will shrugs...
i cant help you.
Life isnt that serious sometimes, laugh a lil. I try to see the humor in every thing, even when I got thrown in the back of a cruiser and was harrassed by cops a few years ago I came out laughing.
To anyone who seems to be taking my words a bit sensitively...
*will shrugs...
last I checked, smiles were free...
use some.
LMAO... funny ass post willy...
everytime i see someone with an earpiece in the club, i'm just like ok, like u actually think u can talk to someone in the club, and if ur in the club, ur not there to talk on the phone...i only reason i could understand is if u were in VIP and the music wasn't that loud and maybe ur talking business cuz ur that important, but most of the time its some young 19 yr who aint even talking and thinkin he's the man wearing some cheap ass gear from stitches/valu village.
and pls ppl like Will said, don't encourage ugly ppl they look good if they don't. If you're wearing those beer goggles and its 2:30am and ur trying ur ass off to find someone to get laid, then just be straight up and say that, no need to say u look good, lol...
funny shit will. Buddy Ralph, lmao.
"...and you just got hollered by the lame mother fucker with no line up, fake gucci glasses, big fake diamond earrings, a sterling silver necklace with a giant jesus pendant, a fuckin tall T, baggy jeans with the rhinestone studs and some baby brown (as in dirty white) pair of AF1's with the strap all saggy..."
LOVED this post. And you’re right, kind of ironic since a lot of your work is done in clubs, but those cats who frequent the club on the REGULAR??...I’m talkin’ about Friday, Saturday, Sunday…and then the odd spot here and there during the week??...CRAZY!
*Let me tell you ‘bout a boy I could love, he stay at home ‘cause he hate the club, I ain’t met him, but I’ll get him when I see him*
But my comment is geared towards to WOMEN! Because the SAME THING that your umm…*bush girl* did to Buddy Ralph…Buddy Ralph’s do that same thing to some STRIPPERELLA’S!!!
I think ladies need to remember that, you CAN look sexy with all of your clothes on, you CAN make people notice you without a micro mini skirt on. Women are 10x more beautiful when something is left to the imagination! Too damn often, some ladies forget that BRAS and UNDERWEAR are UNDERGARMENTS, meaning they go UNDER something that covers the whole bra/underwear and more skin. I think it’s mean to show the opposite sex something they cannot have, lol…then guys start labelling ladies as a TEASE…which then leads to them being labelled as whores, sluts, bitches…etc.
If you dress like a hooker…then expect to be treated like one.
I commented on a post yesterday stating I thought chivalry was dead…but then I read this post and thought about how some girls portray themselves and I got smacked in the face by reality! I’m rambling….:S
I just think it’s unwise for a lady to show off all her goodies in the club or out and expect a man to see that beautiful, intelligent personality you have. *shrugs*
I agree with the ear peice at the club...thats just wack!......
but as far as the opinion on the dudes looks..or dress...I think that is up to the eye of the beholder......so to each is own..
cuz you know ppl can be saying who is this little asian wanna be black bla bla bla blah....and you know you must have heard that shit.........i'm not trying to offend you.....i'm just giving you a perspective........
Yea it's all about perspective, but I'm still not going to stop the uglies from handing out ego boosts to other ones cuz that's good entertainment value. I have that perspective on some people and some people have that perspective on me, so it all works out perfectly anyways
p.s. I'm not one of those girls who shows off everything by wearing ill-fitting sale merchandise from Biways
Fashion post on the way, Mista PhotoWill?
I remember one time I went to a club without a haircut..lol.
I felt a lil ugly (lol).
Until I realized I was surrounded by mostly friends and they didn't really care that I didn't have a haircut. I still didn't take any pictures though (lol) but I didn't feel as bad as before. Having a haircut just makes me feel presentable that's all.
Anyways I have seen those type of guys and girls in the club. I laugh and maybe think they are having an off nite.
Amen to the person who said, "Women are 10x more beautiful when something is left to the imagination!" Completely true I personally get turned off when women take it over board. Women don't have to try hard to get attention (at least not from me)
LoL hilarious topic though.
lmao @ "baby brown AF1's" lol.
this note was funny. i like, i like.
well, I hope noone ever tells you you look good Will! hahaa
I know im late but i was rolling when i read this...tooo funny.
Funny thing is while i was reading I was actually picturing the buddy ralph and the bush girl...
Maria: you know what else urks me when foolishass guys and gals be damnnear having sex on the dance floor...yeah yeah you could do your grinding shit but when your wearing a itty bitty skirt with your legs in the air...sorry but people that needs to stop
okay ill stop my rambling cause i think im going off topic....
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