For me, it was a really nice change in pace from the regular crowd and places that I'm used to. The backyard was lit up with candles along the walls, there were turntables and gigantor speakers, leaves on walls and a 2 level balcony with a kajllion staircase steps. I only took one pic of this spot and it was on my point and shoot so excuse the quality.
We headed over to 751 after that. Call me a loser, but its the first time I've ever been there and I thought it was pretty dope. Really cool, hip, bohemian crowd. Ya dig? Didn't take too many pictures here either, but Keesha and I did create the dopest handshake in all over the universe (sorry Dame). Sorry again, this picture was taken on a point and shoot and the quality is wack.
We left 751 around 2:30am and headed over to Scrims' crib where we chilled, drank and...stuff. Around 330-4am, another 20 ppl came over and all pitched in for alcohol to be delivered...I didnt even know you could order at alcohol and have it delivered at 4 in the morn. Stayed here until
Thanks to Scrims and Scotty for teaching me the light painting.
Overall, the night was very interesting to say the least. (Sorry if I dont have much to say, my adrenaline usually dies down if I dont get to blog as soon as I get home. lol)
Thank you to Keesha and Sarah for your hospitality, I do hope we can do this again soon.

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