The Remix Project graduation. Hmmmfff. Like I had mentioned before, it is a beautiful thing to graduate and know that know you will be able to put that knowledge and experience to good use in things beyond the controlled settings you've become accustomed to. But somethings are really hard to let go of, especially when its grown on you.
Remix is definitely a home away from home to me (as cliche as that sounds), and the staff and students in there are without a doubt like family to me. Its really hard to say bye when you're not ready.
Thankfully, I will be returning next round as a Youth Leader in the Creative Arts program, its just a pity that it will not be under Bryan's wing.
We held the graduation at Revival where diplomas were all handed out, where the performers took stage and art was displayed. Although the spot wasnt rammed up like a Shuffle party, the amount of love and support that was given off by the people that did attend really did feel like we were over capacity.
There's so much to say but words will never be sufficient. So for every word I miss, let my pictures speak another thousand more to you.
Thank you to the entire staff at Remix for a memorable semester. Ill be seeing you guys in the next few days. Thank you to Mon and Seven for coming with me to show support.
A special thanks to Addy, if it wasnt for you, yesterday and the last 6 months would have never happened. Thank you for your help and motivation.
Last but not least, thanks to Bryan, your presence will be severely missed, but Ill see you at the skate park! lol.
the Remix bobsleigh
1 comment:
im gonna miss it :(
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