Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tribute to Summer '09

There are going to be a lot of pictures of Falesha and Mon drinking and getting slosh faced. lol
I was invited to the exclusive pre-tribute event sponsored by Danzka Vodka. What does that entail? Basically, only a small group of friends of T-Rexxx, Brock and Duane were invited to enjoy an open bar, hor deurves and a steel pan player. This part lasted from 9-1130pm.

I was only there for the exclusive pre-party. They later sent me off to Shuffle to shoot as well.

Obviously, there are only gonna be a few ppl in the next few pictures, but thats because I left before the party began. The rest of the pictures you can find on facebook under T-Rexxx's albums.

I know, you're probably pretty shocked that one promoting team could pull off two totally different parties in one night right? was I.

Goodwork guys.

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