Monday, August 4, 2008

This is Cute...

Awwww, look! They're matching! *pause


Unknown said...

ok so I'm here to question your usage of the word 'pause'. I was under the impression that it's used to clarify any homosexual inclinations that someone might get after a person (usually a dude) has made a comment about another person (usually a dude too) or something 'manly'.

IF this is true then does 'pause' work here? There's nothing homosexual about two dudes matching...I think...maybe if u had said 'awww they have the same size' (in reference to their laptops) that may have worked better. No?

I'm an over-thinker, but don't watch that lol

tootles...pause LMAO!!

Chilly Willy said...

lmao. i put pause cuz my comment sounds potentionally homo. well, it sounds very homo. lol

'this is cute, aww look, they're matching?' ...i should never say that to any grown man, nevermind 2 who are matching. lol

so in a way...its a double pause.